Mercy is a Ladies' Hand style font that draws inspiration from ornamental penmanship. Characterized by slightly longer ascenders and descenders, accompanied by modest shading, it pays homage to a time when the Ladies' Hand featured fewer flourishes, making it ideal for creating heartfelt, lengthy letters. Despite its initial association with femininity, this style gained popularity among male penmen, including Spencer, who reserved it for close friends and relatives, appreciating its sincerity.
The modern version of Mercy goes beyond the simplicity of the original Ladies' Hand Capitals. With various OpenType features and embellished capitals, it is a highly versatile typeface, blending tradition with contemporary elegance.
"If it wasn’t for Misprinted Type’s brushes, there would be no 46pgs magazine. With these new tools, he opened up a whole new world for me. Buying the "Everything Bundle" is actually your best grunge investment because it’s not just a tool, but grunge inspiration and motivation at its best."
Nevio, 46pgs magazine
"I've been using misprinted type fonts since the 90's and now I found these new fonts! Addicted!"
Anna Wright
"Automatic Grunge has become my new favorite Photoshop tool for adding textures to my type."